Sponser a class from as little as £15! Dressage4all is a new and exciting online venture. We are keen to attract sponsors for all of our classes. If you would like to promote your company or product by sponsoring a class, we would love to hear from you!
Included in your sponsorship:
- Your company logo on the class you are sponsoring.
- Your company, website links, products, services and information on our Sponsors Page.
- Your company will be mentioned and tagged on our Facebook page and Twitter feed promoting the classes.
- Beautiful 3 tier, 3 ribboned rosettes with your name on the tail in your choice of colours from 1st - 6th place *(Depending on sponsorship package)
You can sponsor:
An individual class
A series of classes
An end of year Championship League
If you are interested in a sporship package, please do contact us.